6 Steps to Get Unstuck in Your Career

It happens. As specialists in RI corporate recruiting and MA corporate recruiting at Shaw Search Partners, we see it all the time. That feeling that something is off in your career. Maybe a passion to do something else has been whispering in your ear for a bit. Maybe you’ve never actually thought about making a change but can acknowledge that the pep in your step has lessened a bit as you head off to start your day. We all get stuck sometimes. A few years ago, a Gallup poll determined that 70 percent of us are dissatisfied with our jobs. So what can you do about it?

Here are six steps to get you unstuck because you deserve to like what you do!

  1. Assess the situation. Dr.Terry Singh, clinical psychologist and Tedx presenter claims, “You have to arrive at a place before you can leave it.“ What is it that is making you feel stuck? Make a list of what you enjoy about your job and a list of things that make you crazy about it. The first step in making a change is to diagnose the problem.

  2. Identify the obstacle. Now that you see the cause, what is standing in your way? Have you considered starting your job search but the unknowns seem overwhelming? Maybe the timing is wrong for a major life or career change. Whatever might hold you back from making the changes needed to feel unstuck, identify them.

  3. Change up your routine. Sometimes switching up your daily routine is enough to catapult you out of a stagnant feeling. Get up earlier or stay up later. Whatever you typically do, try something different. Commute a different way to work. Stop in to a different coffee shop. Turn off your email alerts for a bit and designate specific times to check social media and email. Sometimes giving yourself that space for ideas to come to you is the best way to encourage new ideas and new thought patterns.

  4. Take a break. Taking walks and exercise, in general, has been proven to calm the mind, improve mood, and even boost creative thinking. Get away from your desk and take a walk. Put some time in place to do something that contributes to your health and wellness. Say “No“ when you have to. Spreading yourself too thin is an easy way to feel stuck.

  5. Ask for help. Reach out to your mentors. Look to your LinkedIn community for advice. Sometimes all it takes is a conversation about what your ideal job would look like with the right person. As experts in RI corporate recruiting and MA corporate recruiting we see the life changing benefits of networking on a daily basis.

  6. Make a plan and break it into step-by-step actions. What could you do to put a plan in place? Make a list of the actions you could take to feel unstuck. Many times seeing the steps in black and white can simplify the situation. What tangible things can you do?

Dr. Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. She says, “It’s your job to make yourself do the crap you don’t want to do so you can be everything you’re supposed to be.

It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Feeling stuck? At Shaw Search Partners, we have several high level positions available. We’re ready to help with your job search. Contact us today.


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